Holly Watson
Every Quirky Detail
By Holly Watson
Every Quirky Detail The year was 1976; Americans sat riveted to their TV's watching the Summer Olympics from Montreal, Canada, and met a young Romanian girl named Nadia Comaneci, who ...
One Little Letter
By Holly Watson
A World of DifferenceHave you ever had one of those times when you thought you saw something, but it turned out to be something altogether different? Maybe you read something ...
Honor: The Lost Virtue
By Holly Watson
Once Upon a Time in a land far far away, lived a people who cared for one another profoundly. They worked tirelessly to show each other a special grace seen ...
My Journey North: random thoughts from a reluctant blogger
By Holly Watson
I am a reluctant bloggerSo, here I am, sitting in a space I never could have imagined I’d be. I am a reluctant blogger. Many begin their writing career by ...