“The growth and development of people
is the highest calling of leadership."
– Harvey S. Firestone
is not about dictating, commanding, or controlling what others should do; leadership is about empowering your team to grow and succeed in their role as a team member and beyond. It is about teaching problem-solving skills when they encounter challenges and encouraging them when discouraged. If you are a leader, you are a coach, cheerleader, bus driver, trainer, and support team. The people in our sphere of influence must come before the process. When we put the people of our team first, everyone wins – our organization, clients, team members, and yes, even the leader.

With twenty-plus years in leadership and ministry, coach Holly will utilize her vast experience and education in temperament theory to help you develop and expand your leadership skills. Learning how to best feed into those you lead will help you create a team willing to do everything they can to help your ministry or organization succeed.