Journey North Coaching Services

Holly Watson

Journey North Coaching Services Dragonfly logo

holly watson

Meet Holly

I don’t pretend to know where you are or what got you there, but I do know the struggle and frustration of not being where you want to be. I understand the desire for change. I have been on the “Journey North” a few times myself.  

Through the years, I made decisions without seeking God’s will, and some I believed were His will and still found myself wandering, but I refused to stay in that cycle of going in circles. Deuteronomy 2:3 records some pretty simple words that changed EVERYTHING for me: “You have been around this mountain enough. Turn North.” The realization that the Israelites had literally been wandering around in circles for 40 years stopped me in my tracks. I don’t want that for my life, and I’m guessing you don’t want that for yours, either.

If you are ready to embrace a more fulfilling and balanced life, I’m here to support and guide you on YOUR Journey North. Together, and through the lens of God’s Word, we'll uncover your strengths, set meaningful goals, help you identify and overcome obstacles, and create a path toward the life you truly desire. Let's make this a time of growth, discovery, and positive change. I look forward to walking this path with you.

My Passion

Showing women how to connect the dots between the truth found in God’s Word and living a full adventurous life by stopping the endless circles of doing the same thing day after day, looking for different results.

Why Journey North?

The Journey North is all about changing direction. Maybe you are at a place where you want something different. Be it small, like helping organize your home, or large, like looking to make a career move, it is safe to say nothing will change until you change directions.

Deuteronomy 2:3 tells us a little about changing directions. The Israelites wandered the desert for forty years!  Round and round and round they went circling the mountain when the Promised Land had been close all along. They just needed to change directions!  Albert Einstein said it best “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” If this is you, it might be time to take the “Journey North.”


Maybe you have already headed out a different direction, find yourself stuck, needing help fine-tuning, or staying focused.  That’s why the logo for Journey North is a dragonfly.  The dragonfly is agile, capable of flying at almost 45 miles per hour or it can stop and hover in one spot.  The dragonfly is adaptable. While it does not change color, its iridescence allows it to look like it is changing color.  The dragonfly is graceful, skimming across the top of the water with ease, but make no mistake; it is also fierce and goes after what it wants.

If you need help changing direction, staying focused, or figuring out what might be holding you back, be that past trauma, loss, failure, etc., Journey North Coaching Services is the place for you.  I will partner with you to help you identify your goals, build self-confidence, and find the motivation needed to realize your goals. 

man holding white ceramic teacup

I'm here & ready to help you through this Journey North. Here's what my clients are saying..

"Holly is a great coach, she has patiently listened, brought focus and enabled me to set goals. She cheers for me as I meet my goals. She provides the accountability I need and always points me back to God and his word. Her coaching has changed my life. I am so thankful for her."

-Amber H, Pastors Wife 

"Holly is amazing!! She has been coaching me since July of 2019 and I don't know what I would do without her. As an artist, I am creative, but often get caught up in the details of a project and end up overwhelmed. Holly helps me to organize my thoughts and "reframe" any challenges that may arise. Then we come up with appropriate steps I can take towards my goal. She never tells me what to do or forces her own ideas. Instead, she poses questions to get me thinking and eventually arrive at a solution. Because of Holly, I have accomplished more than I ever thought I could. She has a gift! I am so thankful for her!"

-Sarah M, 36, Artist 

"Holly is a great coach and helped me stay on track by providing encouragement, guidance and accountability for me. I’m in a big transition changing careers and Holly helped me to let go of my past jobs and disappointments and put my energies to what I really want to do. I was able to gain much more insight to my temperament with one of the “tools” in her toolbox which is the Arno Profile System. Since she is a subject matter expert in temperaments, this assessment as well as her coaching helped me uncover some areas that don’t work well for me - job related- and helped me to focus on my strengths and best work place type opportunities in this transitional time. Thank you so much Holly for your guidance, expertise and accountability!"

- Toni M

Journey North Coaching Services Dragonfly logo

Still Wondering if Coaching is the Right Choice for You?

Watch this short but informative video to help you decide if you are ready to start YOUR Journey North!

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Schedule a Complementary   Discovery Session

I am so glad you are reaching out! Let's chat and find a plan that's right for you!


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